
网站刚开始呈现在我们面前的时候,它就好像一张白纸,需要我们任意挥洒设计才思。Do website just started to present in front of us, it\"s like a piece of blank paper, and we need to any scattering the design ideas. 第一步、做网站前的市场分析Do web of market analysis before 1、相关行业的市场是怎样的,市场有什么样的特点,是否能够在互联网上开展公司业务。 Industry market is what kind of, what kind of market characteristics, whether can carry out the business on the Internet. 2、市场主要竞争者分析,竞争对手上网情况及其网站策划、功能作用。 The market main competitors analysis, competitors and Internet web site planning, functions. 第二步、怎么做网站的定位及功能? How to do web positioning and function? 1、为什么要做网站,是为了树立企业形象,宣传产品,进行电子商务,还是建立行业性网站?是企业的基本需要还是市场开拓的延伸? Why do website, is to set up the business enterprise image, advertising products, electronic commerce, or a industry web site? Is the basic needs of the enterprise or the extension of market development? 2、整合公司资源,确定网站功能。根据公司的需要和计划,确定做网站的功能类型:企业型网站、应用型网站、商业型网站(行业型网站)、电子商务型网站;企业网站又分为企业形象型、产品宣传型、网上营销型、客户服务型、电子商务型等。 Integration of company resources, sure site function. According to the needs of the organization and planning, sure do the functionality of the site types: web site, and applied entrepreneurial business type website (industry type website), electronic commerce type sites; The enterprise website and divided into enterprise image type, product model, online marketing propaganda type, customer service, electronic commercial type, etc. 第三步、怎么做网站技术解决方案?How to do web technology solutions? 根据做网站的功能确定网站技术解决方案。According to do the functionality of the site sure web site technical solutions. 1、采用自建服务器,还是租用虚拟主机。From the server, or web host. 2、采用模板做网站、做网站套餐还是个性化开发。 The web site, do website templates do packages or individual development. 第四步、怎么做网站设计? How to do web design? 1、网站美术设计要求,网站设计一般要与企业整体形象一致,要符合企业CI规范。要注意网页色彩、图片的应用及版面策划,保持网页的整体一致性。 Website art design requirements, web design in general to the whole image and enterprise consistent, want to accord with enterprise CI norms. To pay attention to the application of color pictures, page layout and planning, keep the web page overall uniformity. 2、在新技术的采用上要考虑主要目标访问群体的分布地域、年龄阶层、网络速度、阅读习惯等。 In the use of new technologies to consider the main target group of its distribution, visit age class, network speed, reading habits, etc. 第五步、怎么做网站的费用预算 How to do web budget 1、 企业做网站费用的初步预算,一般根据企业的规模、做网站的目的、上级的批准而定。 The enterprise of site costs do preliminary budget, general according to the size of the enterprise and do a web site, the approval and decide. 2、 小编网站建设公司提供详细的功能描述及网站建设报价,企业进行性价比研究。 Shang pin China website construction company provide detailed description of the function and website construction offer, the enterprise research performance to price ratio. 第六步、怎么做网站测试?How to do web test? 网站发布前要进行细致周密的测试,以保证正常浏览和使用。主要测试内容: On its web site to carefully before thorough testing to ensure that normal browsing and use. The main test content: 1、文字、图片是否有错误。 Text, picture if there is mistake. 2、链接是否有错误。 Link if there is mistake. 第七步、网站发布On its web site做网站完成后,经南京维优技术员反复审核、修改最后通过客户的验收,完成网站的制作,我们将您的网站文件上传到您的虚拟主机服务器上。Do website, after the completion of the nanjing d optimal technician repeated review and revision of the last through the customer acceptance, the production of complete web site, we will be your website file to your host server. 第八步、怎么做网站推广? How to do web promotion? 做网站推广的目的是指让更多的客户知道你的网站在什么位置。其定义,就是通过网络手段,把您的信息推广到您的受众目标。具体包括:通过传统的广告、企业形象系统去宣传;通过网络技术的方式,链接、seo、网络广告等方式去宣传。 Do web promotion purpose is to point to make more customers know your web site in what position. The definition, is through the network means, put your information promotion to your target audience. Specific include: through the traditional advertising, corporate image system to propaganda; Through the network technology way, links, SEO, network advertisement way to publicity. 以上为网站策划中的主要内容,根据不同的需求和建站目的,内容也会在增加或减少。在建设网站之初一定要进行细致的策划,才能达到预期建站目的。Above is the main content of the web site planning, according to different needs and multiple purpose, content, also in the increase or decrease. In the beginning of construction site must be careful planning can reach the expected purpose site. 第九步、怎么做网站维护? How to do web site maintenance? 1、服务器及相关软硬件的维护,对可能出现的问题进行评估,制定响应时间。 The server and related software and hardware maintenance, the possible problem of the assessment, and formulated response time. 2、数据库维护,有效地利用数据是做网站维护的重要内容,因此数据库的维护要受到重视。 Database maintenance, effectively use data is the important content of the website maintenance, so for the maintenance of the database to attention. 3、内容的更新、调整等。 The content renewal, adjust. 4、制定相关网站维护的规定,将做网站维护制度化、规范化。Formulate relevant website maintenance rules, will do website maintenance institutionalized, standardization. 本文发布于杭州网站建设公司小编http://www.1558.cn/



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