
整合营销传播:到底该如何“整合”?整合营销传播(IMC),已经成为当今广告界的主流,营销界的热门话题。言必谈“整合”,不是“整合营销”,就是“整合传播”,好像不会谈这个就显示不出其水平和实力。营销企划要“整合”,广告宣传要“整合”,公关新闻要“整合”,展览展示要“整合”。的确,任何一项活动,或任何一项营销,都不能单独离开其它支配或辅助因素而独立存在。我们需要的是系统的思维,整合的观念,组织的力量。但“整合”绝对不是“拼凑”,也不是“组合”。重要的是我们如何真正把这些理论用于实践,指导实践,然后再上升! 整合的方向:向谁传播?记得曾经在一次培训上,培训导师曾问过这样的一个问题:一个中国商人,想组织一批T恤卖到中东地区。请问:他最大的成本是什么?记得我们当初的回答是多方面的:价格成本、运输成本、交易成本、战争等不可抗力的成本等等。但是导师问我们:你们谁看到过中东的男人和女人穿T恤呢? 后来才知道:中东的气候很炎热,紫外线强烈,以致灼伤皮肤,再加之民族习惯,当地人几乎无人穿T恤。所以最大的成本是我们“不知道”的成本!也就是说最大的成本是我们的无知! 话又说回来,我们又有多少企业能够比较明确地知道我们的产品卖给了谁?我们的产品应该卖给谁? 记得明镜(中国)市场研究公司总经理王兴周曾经讲过一次实践案例:某一个省的移动公司一直想开拓比较发达地区的乡镇级市场,但不知道怎么去开发?一次又一次的资源都投下去了,什么“组合拳“,什么“整合招”都使过了,市场就是没有起色,依然是死水一潭!继续做吧,又感觉到好像是海市蜃楼,市场可望不可即;放弃吧,又觉得可惜,已经投了这么多资源,而且又直觉地感觉到这是个很有潜力的市场且容量比较大。

骑虎之下,该公司找到了明镜。经过一番细致深入地市场调研,明镜清晰地找到了这一市场的目标消费群:司机。知道了“向谁传播”后,该公司仅通过派发宣传单的形式和与司机中的意见领袖及上级监管部门建立起联系,就轻松搞定了以前一年下来花了多少资源都没搞定的市场。而且把市场牢牢掌握在自己的手中。与此同时,该公司迅速把此模式经过加工整理提炼复制到其它的乡镇市场,一年下来,该省的乡镇市场尽收该公司的麾下。 正反对比,我们很清楚地知道:我们对目标消费群定义得越精准,了解得越多,就越有有效地接触到他们并有效地传递信息。否则,则是吃力不讨好。再有怎么好的“整合传播“都是白搭! 现今整合营销传播,消费者的零碎化越来越严重。即使是消费者的年龄、教育程度、收入都一样,其生活习惯和性格却是千差万别的。这更要求我们在进行“整合传播“时知道“向谁传播”。 不仅如此,心理特征和消费情商的千差万别也会影响个人对媒介或传媒的看法,进而影响其对品牌接触点的接触和判断行为。因此,我们在界定和分析目标群的时候就不能仅停留在其消费习惯上,更应从心理层面挖掘目标消费群的消费情商、行为特点、生活态度等,并用来指导我们的“传播思路”和“整合观念”,及调整我们的品牌接触点。

整合营销传播_整合品牌传播 第二版_聚合营销 网络整合营销传播

我们可以以某国际品牌的化妆品为例进行说明。该品牌价位介于合资品牌与进口品牌之间,产品线是护肤品、彩妆、洗浴品等,其销售方式采用独特的直销方式,即消费者先打电话到其服务中心索取样品,经几天试用后感兴趣者以邮购或传真方式订购。鉴于产品的特色,如何最准确地捕捉到消费者是达到市场目标的前提条件。 该品牌给出的目标群是比较宽泛的20-40岁的女性。但如果就此目标进行媒介分析和媒介组合,我们根本无法明确知道我们的产品到底准备卖给什么样的人群?也不知道我们的消费者是什么样的?更不知道消费是凭什么才购买我们的产品?对于这样的目标消费群,我们的媒介再怎么“组合”、再怎么“整合”,都是“对牛弹琴”,“无的放失”。 事实上,为了更进一步的了解目标群,我们不但要进行目标细分的定量分析,更要进行目标细分的定性分析,试图深入地挖掘消费者的心理活动。 首先,我们可以通过内部问卷调查和售点专柜进行实地调研,我们可以了解到女性消费者在购买护肤品、化妆品所考虑的因素是什么?品质、价格、朋友的推荐还是广告的影响?是包装的作用还是终端的促销推力?而对于其中品质的理解,我们都需要知道:在产地、原装进口、合资、国产等等中,消费者会优先考虑谁的? 我们只有了解到这些,才能准确地界定的我们的目标消费群,才知道我们要把产品卖给谁? 其实,要了解这些也并不难,通过CMMS《中国媒体与市场研究》,我们可以详细了解和掌握女性们在消费化妆品和护肤品时的心理活动。

比如,通过CMMS和座谈会,我们了解到,最经常使用进口、合资化妆品的消费者,占全部女性消费者的52%;但是否这些就是我们的核心目标消费群呢?通过对消费者的聚类分析,我们又知道,在52%的消费者中,只有44%的消费者的生活态度和消费态度是思想开放的、乐于接受新鲜事物、时尚的,这些人才最有可能购买我们的产品。而余下的这部分人,尽管经常使用进口品牌或合资品牌,但一般思想较保守,要等到该品牌建立了一定的知名度后才可能购买。 与此同时,是否经常使用国产品牌的消费者就可以放弃对其进行沟通呢? 通过座谈和聚类分析,我们又知道,其中有54%的女性思想开放、活跃、乐于接受新鲜事物,也注重时尚,因此,这部分人也是极有可能购买我们产品的次要目标消费群,也是我们需要沟通的对象和整合的次重点。而余下的则是经常使用国产品牌,思想保守、在乎预算,不太追求时尚,是很难让其产生购买行为,再怎么沟通和整合传播,也是“白搭”! 整合的根本:传播什么?随着消费者的逐渐成熟和理性,大规模营销的时代已开始结束。昔日以一个广告、一个策划就可以一夜成名,从此就大把大把的赚钱的机会已经不可能,也不再有了。 然而,还有前仆后继为数不少的企业还还在坚信:只要是广告,管它什么烂广告,来个满天轰炸、死缠烂打,都能够轰出一个市场来;不管什么策划,只要能够轰动,就可以吸引足够的“眼球”整合营销传播,然后,赚取“注意力”经济! 其实,并不然! 而此论者则认为:狂轰烂打、死缠硬磨,是中国人的文化底蕴。

聚合营销 网络整合营销传播_整合品牌传播 第二版_整合营销传播

还说什么,中国多少的优秀的女孩子都是这样被一些死缠硬磨的给搞定了。消费者也不例外! 然而,我们来看看现实中的情况。脑白金、哈药和海王等可以说是这方面的运作的典范。相对来说,海王还好点,至少他的广告在某些方面还是有些创意的。 确实,脑白金、哈药、海王等在一定时间取得一定的成绩,且相当不差。然而,我们却忽视一个最基本的事实,那可是以牺牲企业的可持续发展为前提的啊!从各方面的反馈的信息来看,也确实如此,脑白金前年投了2个亿,销了10个亿;但去年却是投了4个亿,销了8个亿;还有哈药,都已经被人兼并了;海王,业绩也是让人担心,一个海王金樽就投了几个亿,单一的一个产品,又能有多少销量!他们都是为了赚取利润而彻底牺牲了消费者的信任! 这也是为什么中国的保健品企业一直做不大的深层次原因,他们骗取了消费者的信任而又没有真诚地面对消费者,骗完了城市,就又骗到农村市场去。殊不知,这样,也就把整个行业给搞臭了,也怪不得保健品企业都是大起大落。 随着大规模营销时代的终结,我们需要理智地分析,分析我们的消费环境,分析我们的消费者,分析我们自身;我们需要周密地判断,判断消费者需要什么,我们又能提供什么。 在此基础上,经过整合分析,才能决定我们该向消费者传播什么?这当中,有一个很大的误区就是:我们的企业把过多的目光和精力聚焦在竞争对手身上,而不是消费者身上,对手传播了什么?然后我们马上跟进,也传播什么?稍好一点,就搞得与从不同。

而大部分的都是这样,在没有比对手更好的时候,就干脆搞一个与对手一模一样的传播诉求。促销战、赠品战、价格战,都这这种传播理念下的产物。 在目前的中国阶段,市场竞争加剧,市场次序处于整顿阶段,媒体分裂,渠道演义;与此同时,消费者开始注重品牌消费,需求多样化,有功能性需求、服务性需求、也有联想性需求,但总体来说,依然消费谨慎,对价格敏感;而我们的企业则是营销急功近利、营销组织老化、大量的面临着变革的任务压力。 在这样的背景下,我们的传播主题和内容则也是千树万树梨花开!从独特的销售主张到强势的品牌联想,从定位论到需求导向论,从直觉论到整合论,千军万马过独木桥,各有各的招,各有各的道。 但是对于不同的传播主题和内容,我们要分析,要判断。没有最好的传播,也没有一劳永逸的诉求,只有最合适。最合适于企业的,才是最好的! 1、独特的销售主张 这一传播理论强调的是产品具体的特殊的功效和利益。运用的营销模式则是FFAB技巧。也就是说:我们这个产品有什么特点,也就是说它有什么功能,所以它具有什么优点,比方说,当你什么什么的时候,它能够给你带来什么利益。 比方说:“我这个手提电脑只有1.3公斤,也就是说它很轻,所以它携带很方便,比方说,当你商旅出差的时候,你可以非常轻松地携带着它处理商务而不觉劳累!” 对于这种传播理论,国内不少企业都运用得比较好。

也就是广告公司最喜欢向企业推荐的USP理论。 2、强势的品牌联想 这一传播理论强调的是制造消费者心理价值。它又细分为三种:企业形象联想;产品品质联想;使用者形象联想。 比如提到海尔,消费者可能会联想到尔“真诚到永远”的服务或国内最大的家电企业;提到索尼,消费者马上会联想到索尼产品的高品质高价位。只要是索尼的产品,就认为是品质最卓越的,最可信赖的。 提到万宝路,消费者马上就联想到西部牛仔的粗犷形象。那种消费的感觉马上就会体现在消费者的神情和心态中。 3、定位论 它强调占据心理位置,强调第一。 根据不同的分类,定位可分为单一定位、三重定位、体验定位。 单一定位中,又有第一的定位、对比的定位和类别的定位。如全球销量第一的格兰仕微波炉就是第一位的定位;只做第二的美的微波炉就是对比的定位;类别于“两乐”的七喜饮料就是类比的定位。 三重定位中,又有理性定位、感性定位和感觉定位; 体验定位的核心理念是体验式营销。如星巴克、耐克等。他们是创造了一种体验,而非销售他的产品。 4、需求导向论 需求导向的根本是进行双向沟通建立顾客忠诚。立脚点是从顾客的需求出发。在这方面运作的成功典范就是宝洁。它通过研究消费者的需求并把它转化为新产品概念,然后进行测试,确认了消费者的需求后,再开始小规模试销,进行进一步的验正和校正,等完全成熟后,再上市。

这样的产品传播的结果就是,消费者与品牌建立起牢固的品牌忠诚关系:喜欢,经常性购买或喜欢,系统性购买。 5、直觉论 直觉论的核心是感觉消费。在大部分分看来,这类消费可能大部分集中快速流转类产品上。但实际上不尽然,反而是大宗消费在这方面体现得更明显。诸如如房产、汽车、电脑、手机等。 一个最明显的例子就是桑塔那2000型。大部分人都会选择这款。其实,在综合配置上,这款绝对没有神龙富康和捷达好,但是大部分消费者却偏偏选择了这一款,主要原因是它有一个好看的“屁股”和“流线型”,就凭这些,消费者跟着感觉走,就不知不觉地买了。 6、整合论 它强调与消费者建立起关系,全面降低营销成本。实际上,它包括了两种情况,一种是一对一营销,另一种是关系营销。 就目前来说,我们的企业强调的都是市场占有率,其实这是大众营销的思路,说白了,就是把单一产品卖给更多的顾客。自然,这样的成本也就很高。在传播中,我们就要向很多的目标进行传播和诉求; 而整合论则是一方面降低了传播的成本,而且也提高了传播的有效到达率! 在这里,一对一营销,强调的是顾客占有率,它是把更多的产品卖给同一顾客,成本主要集在同一顾客。很明显。开发一个新顾客的成本比维持一个老顾客的成本要高许多! 关系营销,则是把更多的价值卖给同一顾客,而不是更多的产品。

整合营销传播_整合品牌传播 第二版_聚合营销 网络整合营销传播

整合的关键:用什么传播?用什么传播,关键就是要找到合适的品牌接触点。 而更好地了解目标消费群则可以帮我们找到更有效的品牌接触点。 以往在寻找与目标群沟通的接触点时往往还是落在传统媒体上,但随着媒体零碎化,消费者能够接受的讯息的渠道越来越广泛,一味的依赖传统媒体是远远不够的,还需要分析目标群的生活方式中来寻找具有洞察力的品牌接触点。如消费态度分析、卖场考察等也可以起到很好的作用。 还是以上述提到的化妆品牌为例。 通过对CMMS的聚类分析我们可以知道:核心目标群喜欢和朋友在一起,社会活动丰富,喜欢购物,去咖啡厅,唱卡拉OK。于是,我们可以尝试着在星巴克等咖啡厅和KTV等地点放置产品目录和印有产品广告的明信片。这些小众媒体远比传统媒体来得实惠和价值。除此之外,通过定性调查,发现消费在城市的时尚购物广场或中心看不到产品的专柜就会对产品没有信心,于是我们可以建议在一些有代表性的购物广场设立产品展示专柜,哪怕没有什么销量。没关系,那是一种很好的传播方式。 寻找到了品牌的接触点和确认了品牌接触点后,我们就要考虑对媒体进行组合和整合。 在对媒体进行组合之前,我们需要对媒体的职能有个全面的认识,只要这样,我们才会实实在在把媒体进行整合,而不是把媒体进行相加。

1、媒体作为传播工具。主要指广告讯息可以接触到多少人。即我们在进行媒体整合时要考虑成本效益。 2、媒体作为介质。指对产品信息解码的能力。如是否具有声音、图像、文字的功能。其本质就是要考虑如何利用不同类型的媒体的特征。比如,在报纸中,我们可以考虑在彩色版面中考虑用黑白的广告以突出自己的广告。 3、媒体作为讯息。指每个媒体自身的涵义,并且如何通过媒体自身的涵义对目标群信息的接收产生影响。如在中央台打广告等于就是向消费者暗示广告主是个大品牌,拥有较强的实力。而在凤凰台打广告,某种程度则暗示受众广告主可能是个国际品牌,或是希望走向国际的品牌;而在高档时尚类杂志上打广告,则是会建立起时尚与品牌之间的联系。 4、媒体作为杠杆。指媒体本身对广告效应有提升作用。 因此,在考虑媒体策划和整合时,就要考虑上述媒体的职能。体现在媒体策划方面,就有: 1、经济节约,最大限度为客户省钱。 2、追求创新。 现在的消费者每天都接触很多的媒体,媒体分裂时代已来临。广告费越来越贵,而广告效果则越来越差。如何从众多的媒体中脱颖而出,以抓住目标群的注意力?广告形式必须力求创新,但创新同时必须与创意进行很好地结合。 3、努力建立品牌与目标群之间的关系。

对于大众媒体,通常可以有效地帮助建立牌的知名度。而对于小众媒体,则可以针对某些特定人群,而且它可以很好地建立起消费者与产品或品牌的某种内在联系,让消费者感觉亲切,感觉这是专为他而做的广告。 比如:餐巾纸这种小众媒体,现已开发被许多厂家利用。但如何利用好?并与目标群建立关联?则是每个厂家要考虑的。 记得当初方太厨具进行集成厨房的区域市场推广时,准备利用这种小众媒体时,市场上已有不少厂家在利用。但与目标群都没有很好地结合,要么就是在商场里派发,要么就是在展览会上赠送,都没有体现与目标群的结合。如何结合?这是方太厨具首先要考虑的,否则就是起不到应有的效果。最后经过讨论,公司决定在首站推广城市深圳,采用这种形式。时逢正好深圳首届高交会即将召开,于是方太正好准备借这个东风。但首届高交会两个不成文的规定。第一必须是高新技术企业,才能参展;第二,所有厂家不得派发宣传品,连餐巾纸也不例外。 在这种情况下,怎么办? 最后,经过讨论和公关,最后决定由高交会现场的所有的保安向参观和参展的客人赠送,主要目的是擦汗。因为当时的深圳天气很热。 就这样,方太借势打了一个擦边球。但这个效果超过高交会任何一个厂家的大众媒体和小众媒体的广告。

但投入不到5000元。 4、建立协作关系。 比如:方太,作为专业厨具公司,可以在时尚、家居、快乐厨房等媒体打些硬性广告,但如果再在里面的厨房装修或设计栏目里放上方太典型产品,那效果将会是更好!说服力更强! 5、巧妙利用媒体本身的广告作用。 适当的公关活动可以更好地提升公司形象,巧妙地利用软性文章的形式可以增强品牌的置信度和广告效果。 比如,方太的形象代言人是香港的方太,方太厨具就可以在某些家政或家居媒体里将代言人的形象放在封面,配以讲述香港方太和产品关联的软文作为封面故事,充分利用香港方太的影响力再配以方太厨具的硬性广告,以建立品牌的知名度,并充分扩大广告所带来的影响。 知道了“向谁传播”,也知道“怎么传播”,还知道了“用什么传播”。但我们在执行“整合”的过程中,一定要注意有所为有所不为的原则,并不是1+1就大于2,关键是,一不能“曝光不足”,也不能“曝光过度”。 当然,在整合营销传播中,“整合”是基础,互动才是双赢,再好的“整合”或者是再好的“传播”,如果不能最终在营销中产生拉力,不能与消费者建立起良好的互动关系,则将是被证明不成功的。 一个成功的整合传播方案,它的最终衡量标准看是否产生了终端的拉力!well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person’s energy, mobilizing people’s enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. “Three emphasis on” to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record” and “potential performance”; both subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic” enough, take another look at the “retreat” level. Second, focus on participating the breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handing over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the people, then nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluation findings is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be tantamount to establishing a banner. Evaluation can’t take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the findings as on the cadres ‘ bonus-penalty, an important basis for future movements, incentive and restraint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity”. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the process, to prevent one-sided and still look, from actual people. One is to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on development emphasizes, is still taking economic construction as the Center. Any departure from the development of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of people-oriented. Adhere to people-oriented both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people oriented and speeding up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never bewell, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person’s energy, mobilizing people’s enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. “Three emphasis on” to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record” and “potential performance”; both subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic” enough, take another look at the “retreat” level. Second, focus on participating the breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handing over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the people, then nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluation findings is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be tantamount to establishing a banner. Evaluation can’t take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the findings as on the cadres ‘ bonus-penalty, an important basis for future movements, incentive and restraint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity”. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the process, to prevent one-sided and still look, from actual people. One is to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on development emphasizes, is still taking economic construction as the Center. Any departure from the development of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of people-oriented. Adhere to people-oriented both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people oriented and speeding up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never bepeople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last year’s 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to accelerate development in the first place … Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human needs are also changing. Practice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to this, see things but not people’s old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting point, high standard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. Terms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increasingly high level of leadership situation, actively adapt to the demand of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the ability to overcome a good service, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to people-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here in Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used is a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hold, cannot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get drinking water, go back to your seat business. Our emphasis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must continue to maintain the style of plain living and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests of temptations, exciting “energy” conservation “disposition” to the spirit of selfless dedication and provide services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone is a liability. People-oriented, above and below with the responsibility for coordinating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen the leadership. “In its place, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.” This is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is competent. Leaders need to “it is an official term for the benefit of” mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing people-oriented. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement people-oriented, to manage their people, “plug in own responsibility”, effectively enhance the education of leading cadres, cadres and cadres work, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitalitypeople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last year’s 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to accelerate development in the first place … Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human needs are also changing. Practice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to this, see things but not people’s old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting point, high standard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. Terms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increasingly high level of leadership situation, actively adapt to the demand of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the ability to overcome a good service, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to people-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here in Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used is a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hold, cannot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get drinking water, go back to your seat business. Our emphasis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must continue to maintain the style of plain living and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests of temptations, exciting “energy” conservation “disposition” to the spirit of selfless dedication and provide services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone is a liability. People-oriented, above and below with the responsibility for coordinating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen the leadership. “In its place, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.” This is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is competent. Leaders need to “it is an official term for the benefit of” mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing people-oriented. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement people-oriented, to manage their people, “plug in own responsibility”, effectively enhance the education of leading cadres, cadres and cadres work, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitalitywell, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person’s energy, mobilizing people’s enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. “Three emphasis on” to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record” and “potential performance”; both subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic” enough, take another look at the “retreat” level. Second, focus on participating the breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handing over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the people, then nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluation findings is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be tantamount to establishing a banner. Evaluation can’t take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the findings as on the cadres ‘ bonus-penalty, an important basis for future movements, incentive and restraint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity”. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the process, to prevent one-sided and still look, from actual people. One is to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on development emphasizes, is still taking economic construction as the Center. Any departure from the development of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of people-oriented. Adhere to people-oriented both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people oriented and speeding up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never bepeople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last year’s 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to accelerate development in the first place … Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human needs are also changing. Practice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to this, see things but not people’s old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting point, high standard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. Terms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increasingly high level of leadership situation, actively adapt to the demand of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the ability to overcome a good service, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to people-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here in Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used is a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hold, cannot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get drinking water, go back to your seat business. Our emphasis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must continue to maintain the style of plain living and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests of temptations, exciting “energy” conservation “disposition” to the spirit of selfless dedication and provide services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone is a liability. People-oriented, above and below with the responsibility for coordinating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen the leadership. “In its place, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.” This is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is competent. Leaders need to “it is an official term for the benefit of” mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing people-oriented. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement people-oriented, to manage their people, “plug in own responsibility”, effectively enhance the education of leading cadres, cadres and cadres work, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitality



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